Fixing fence’s around our vital garden

It was crucial that the fencing around the Team Vista house was adequately repaired and maintained for not only pest control but to ensure that those staying there are able to have access to fresh fruit and vegetables.
Published on
December 15, 2022

The Team Vista house is a safe, quiet place for sponsored children to study, get a good meal and a good night's rest. There is a small garden outside which grows a variety of vegetables that are used for cooking and also to teach the kids about gardening.

The fence was in need of repair with many of the wooden posts rotted out and collapsed with the garden providing more food for the local goats than anyone else. It needed to be repaired in order to ensure we had adequate food for the children and families who looked to us for refuge.

As with most projects here, a large proportion of time is spent driving around to various hardware stores with their limited materials and trying to work out the most cost-effective way to solve the problem.

Eventually, we decided on some wooden posts, getting them cut, weaving them through the wire mesh and hammering them into the ground until our tender office-hands were raw with blisters.

We were able to secure our vegetable garden and continue to look after our sponsored children and families.

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