Our Director, Kerry Frost, Reflects on her time in Tanzania

Our Director, Kerry, reflects on her time in Moshi, Tanzania. Whilst in Tanzania, Kerry and the team were able to complete and begin some exciting projects. The final bricks were laid for the Audrey-Priest Community Centre, Kerry taught girls in the community to make soap which they can then sell, the Team Vista farm has had irrigation installed and much more.
Published on
April 11, 2023

After nearly three months in Moshi, I am now back in Australia and already planning the next twelve months with my Tanzanian staff.

Wow! From having the Global Development Group visit and seeing our project's growth to having our brick walls on the Community Centre completed, it was amazing just how much we accomplished in a relatively short time! African time is "pole pole" (slow), but once mama Kerry (me) is around, things have to go "haraka" (fast)

Whilst over there, we began a "Soap Making" business. Besides commercially made cakes of soap from the supermarket, there is nothing like our handmade soaps in town. All of our products have been sourced from Moshi, all-natural (other than a hint of fragrance) and are beautifully presented in a brightly coloured kitenge fabric bag. The girls had to market the soap and talk to a few tourist shops and hotels to ask if they would take a basket of soaps to trial. They are aimed at the tourist market. It was so exciting to get a few phone calls back to ask for more soaps from the shops and hotels. The girls are now in business!

The Camberwell Rotary generously funded our irrigation project for the farm. Tanzania has had two years of drought, and this year doesn't look like it will be any better, so having drip irrigation on the farm will make an enormous difference to the maise and bean crops.

The women's and men's empowerment groups are both going well. It is vital for young women and men to understand 'empowerment'. They don't have any role models within their family, with many living with a grandparent or just one parent. Sex education is not allowed to be taught in schools; however, as an after-school program, we can explain all matters relating to their bodies, puberty, periods, and communicable and non-communicable diseases, with the assistance of our local medical doctors.

The medical outreach program has been highly successful, with our adult community members having the opportunity to have free blood pressure and blood sugar tests. There have been some alarming results, but by modifying their daily diet, it is anticipated that this will improve over time.

I feel that we have accomplished so much this trip. Thank you so much to Lincoln from Allcap Finance who has supported us – with his help we paid half a year's food bill for all our of our 11 schools plus some extra food supplies. Thank you also to Clayton from Popthis, and his team who have sponsored 17 children from Kaloleni. Clayton and Ben have also designed our new logo and sent me five new signs to place around the community.

We have so much to be thankful and grateful here in Australia. Traveling to Tanzania is like entering another world! The minute I step off the plane after more than 26 hours of flying a I suddenly feel all the stress's of life leaving me, and that's why I am happy. There is no time to worry about any of the mundanes that consume me daily. Everything here is simple. Yes, it is a hard life for the community of Kaloleni however,you would hardly realise that when you are greeted with so many happy faces and huge smiles.

Our lives revolve around having money - a fancy car, buying a new pair of shoes, a new set of golf clubs, where should I go for my next holiday, the latest iphone, television or other electronic device to keep the kids happy and getting manicures, pedicures and 'what should I wear?'

In Tanzania life revolves around carting water from the town tap every evening, finding food to feed the family each evening, worrying if they can pay the kids school fees so they can have a lunchtime meal, will the kids' shoes fit them for another year, malaria, typhoid, UTI's and worms.

I find it so rewarding doing the work I do at Team Vista as we truly are changing lives.

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