We urgently need your help to transport a shipping container filled with essential medical supplies from Australia to Tanzania!

We are raising $10,000 to send a shipping container filled with second-hand school furniture, medical supplies, and other essential items to underprivileged schools and communities in Moshi, Tanzania.
Published on
August 30, 2024

Help Us Send Essential Supplies to Moshi, Tanzania!

We are raising $10,000 to send a shipping container filled with second-hand school furniture, medical supplies, and other essential items to the less fortunate schools and communities in Moshi, Tanzania.

These supplies, saved from landfill, will provide invaluable support to children and families in need.

Your donation will play a crucial role in covering the costs of shipping these resources across the world. Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to delivering much-needed help to those who truly need it.

Thank you for your generosity and support! Together, we can make a difference.

DONATE NOW: https://teamvista-container-gdg-j624n.raiselysite.com/

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